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Calculates the width and height of a text.






[<oFont | hFont>],





) Æ oSize


<cText>The text, whose width and height are to be calculated.
Data Type:String


<oFont>, <hFont>The font to which the width and height are to be calculated. As a default, the standard font of Microsoft Windows is used.
Data Type:Font | Ptr


<lWordBreak>A logical value that indicates whether the text is to be break with reaching the width <iWidthMax>. As a default, the value FALSE is used.
Data Type:Logic


<lPrefix>A logical value that indicates whether the character '&' in the text serves to underline the following character. If this is the case, it is not considered with the calculation of the text expansion. As a default, the value FALSE is used.
Data Type:Logic


<iWidthMax>The maximum width that can be achieved by the text. If the width of the text is greater and the argument <lWordBreak> contains the value TRUE, the text is broken on the indicated width. As a default, the value 0 is used.
Data Type:DWord


<hDC>The device context in which the width and height of the text are to be calculated. As a default, the device context of the display is used.
Data Type:Ptr

Return Value

oSizeThe calculated width and height of the text.
Data Type:Dimension


The function bfntSizeText() calculated the width and height of the specified text.


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