Requirement: bBrowser 1.4


The bBrowser contains an interface, with that keyboard commands can be defined. A keyboard command consists of a key code and a method, that is called when pressing the appropriate key. The keyboard command works only if the bBrowser possess the focus.

With the class bKeyCommand a keyboard command can be defined. This can be added afterwards with the instruction bBrowser:KeyCommand:Add() to the bBrowser.

The following code fragment defines for a bBrowser in a DataWindow a keyboard command for the key F2. When pressing the F2 key a cell edit is opened in the current cell.

METHOD PostInit() CLASS myDataWindow

  LOCAL oKeyCommand AS bKeyCommand


  oKeyCommand := bKeyCommand{KeyF2,,,,, self, #OnEdit}



METHOD OnEdit() CLASS myDataWindow



The following code fragment defines for a bBrowser in a DataWindow a keyboard command for the key combination CTRL + DELETE. When pushing this key combination the current record is deleted in the bBrowser.

METHOD PostInit() CLASS myDataWindow

  LOCAL oKeyCommand AS bKeyCommand

  oKeyCommand := bKeyCommand{KeyDelete,;









METHOD OnRecordDelete() CLASS myDataWindow
